The MacroView Mail App can be deployed to an organisation via the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Important: To complete the steps in this article, you will need administration rights to the Microsoft 365 tenant where MacroView Mail will be deployed and to Download the MacroView Mail Manifest XML.
Deploy MacroView Mail add-in:
- Open the Microsoft 365 admin center and expand ⚙️Settings in the sidebar. If you can't see ⚙️ Settings, press Show All to make it visible. Then open the Integrated apps section.
- Select ↑ Upload custom apps
- Select Office Add-in type and choose to upload the manifest file (.xml) from device. Once the Manifest file has been chosen and validated, click Upload to continue.
- Once the manifest has been uploaded, determine to who MacroView Mail will be assigned and pushed.
- When ready, press Deploy to push MacroView Mail to your users.
✅ Deployment completed will be shown when the add-in has been deployed. Follow the on-page instructions to test that the add-in has deployed successfully.Note: Users may need to force close and reopen Outlook to see the add-in icon appear in the ribbon. Outlook add-ins can take up to 12 hours to appear on users' ribbons.
Managing MacroView Mail as an integrated app
- The add-in will now be visible in the list of Integrated apps page
- Click on MacroView Mail in the Services & add-ins list to change who has access to the add-in or if you want to remove the add-in.
Sideloading the MacroView mail add-in
An alternative to deploying Office 365 admin center is to sideload the add-in by following these instructions from Microsoft.
When you sideload an add-in for testing it appears immediately so you don’t have to wait up to 12 hours for it to appear. The caveat is that the add-in is sideloaded and if your administrator later deploys the same add-in centrally, you will need to manually remove the side-loaded add-in.