This article will show you how to hide the MacroView Generator ribbon options in Microsoft Outlook, Word and PowerPoint for the purpose of preventing access to Generator in any of these applications.
How it works
The Generator ribbon provides access to Generator in Microsoft Outlook, Word and PowerPoint.
If you wish to hide or disable the Generator ribbon in Outlook, Word and/or PowerPoint to prevent users having access to Generator, you will need to edit the appropriate registry values.
To do this:
- Navigate to the following registry location:
- Locate the following registry keys and change the default value from "0" to "1" for the applications you wish to hide:
- HideOutlookRibbon (DWORD) value = "0"
- HidePowerPointRibbon (DWORD) value = "0"
- HideWordRibbon (DWORD) value = "0"
Example: If you want to hide the Generator ribbon in Microsoft Outlook, but keep the ribbon visible in Word and PowerPoint, change the HideOutlookRibbon (DWORD) value from "0" to "1", and leave the other values untouched.