The Default Person/Group function for MacroView DMF and MacroView Message defaults the value of person/group metadata properties to the current user when saving new documents and emails.
How it works
When a document or email is saved using drag and drop, any person/group metadata columns with internal column names corresponding to names that have been configured will set the default value to the current logged on user.
Using a configuration files
MacroView DMF 8.8.520 and later versions support using a configuration file to deploy these settings.
The expected config filename/path is in the MacroView AppData store location “Extensions\MapFolderNameToFieldValue\configuration.json.config”
To deploy the configuration file, create a Folder in your Central Configuration Location called "DefaultPersonGroup" and save the file named configuration.json.config to this location
Sample configuration file
The format for the configuration files is Json.
"FieldNames" : [
Each value FieldName1, FieldName2, FieldName3 etc. is the internal name of the column.
Save the file as configuration.json.config
See the Setting a Central Configuration Location for more details on how to deploy the file.
Using registry setting
Specifying the internal column names of any person group fields that are to be defaulted to the current logged in user in the following registry key:
Multiple columns can be specified by separating them with a semi-colon.
Note: If both a configuration file and registry settings are defined the configuration files will override the registry
Version Support
MacroView DMF or MacroView Message 8.6.103 or later
MacroView DMF 8.8.520 and later versions support using a configuration file to deploy these settings.