To add a SharePoint Online (Microsoft 365) location to your ClauseBank
Add a ClauseBank Server
Before you can use ClauseBank you must first have one or more ClauseBank servers configured. In the Content area of ClauseBank Options, you can add, edit or remove ClauseBank servers.
Note: The ClauseBank Servers may have been already configured by an Administrator.
When you click the Add button the Add Server dialog displays.
Enter a server name and address. The license status indicator will then change to indicate if a valid path has been entered.
The Server Path you have entered is incorrect or not reachable. Note you must have at least read access to the entered server path to activate the licence.
The server is already licenced.
The server has not yet been activated on the MacroView Licensing website.
Refer to the Managing MacroView 365 and Client Side Only Licenses guide for information on activating and managing ClauseBank 365 licenses.
If you tick the Search for ClauseBank sites option, when you click OK, ClauseBank will perform a search and will return all sites with 'ClauseBank' in the site title. If your ClauseBank source settings change, ClauseBank will refresh your ClauseBank tree-view and clear your ClauseBank tree-view cache.
If you tick the Add libraries to ClauseBank Agent option, any libraries that are selected when using ClauseBank will be added to the ClauseBank synchronisation agent. Refer to section 8 of the ClauseBank User Guide for more information
If Modern Authentication is enabled you can add multiple SharePoint Online (Microsoft 365) tenants and the current logged in user for each will be displayed in the top right corner of the server dialog.