How do I participate in the Beta Program?
Sign up or log in to your MacroView Support account.
See How do I participate to register for eligible Beta Programs.
Is beta software dangerous?
Beta software is available before it is ready for public release and while still undergoing active development. Beta software may be unstable and cause irretrievable data loss and disruption.
Back up your data before using beta software. Do not install beta software on your primary device or connect with your production environment. Only install beta software on an isolated testing and evaluation environment, away from production data.
MacroView is not responsible for any loss due to your participation in the Beta Program.
Can I access any product in beta?
Products which you are licenced for will be available to download as beta releases.
How do I provide feedback and get support for beta release?
Beta software is intended for technical testing and providing feedback to improve our products.
Learn more about how to Provide Feedback and contribute to improving MacroView software.
How do I stop using a Beta version of the software?
To uninstall and revert to the previous release, you will need to uninstall the beta software before you install the previous release. MacroView are not responsible for any data loss due to downgrading or participating in the Beta Program.