The KQL syntax allows you to quickly search on some standard date ranges. These can easily be utilised in a MacroView search mask using the drop down control.
<Control Name="LastModifiedTime" Type="Dropdown" DisplayName="Last modified" >
<Item DisplayName="Last year" Value="last year"/>
<Item DisplayName="This year" Value="this year"/>
<Item DisplayName="Last month" Value="last month"/>
<Item DisplayName="This month" Value="this month"/>
<Item DisplayName="This week" Value="this week"/>
<Item DisplayName="Yesterday" Value="yesterday"/>
<Item DisplayName="Today" Value="today"/>
<Item DisplayName="All Files" Value=""/>
- the "Value" field seems to be case sensitive
- this works with any date managed property
- "last month" is not the last 30 days, rather, if it is August now, "last month" means July.
- As usual, the KQL syntax reference is the go-to article
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