- What is MacroView DMS Search?
- Can I create custom search panels?
- Where are the Search Mask XML definitions located?
- How do I create a custom search panel?
- How do I upload and install a custom search panel?
- How do I search for non-office files?
What is MacroView DMS Search?
MacroView DMS Search allows you to search a SharePoint environment using MacroView DMS or DMS Pro for documents and emails based on a set of predefined search fields.
MacroView DMS/DMS Pro ships with two default search panels: Email Search and Keyword Search. They are configured to search based on the metadata properties listed below.
Before you can start using the search panels, you must ensure that the search managed properties have been defined and mapped to correspond with the panels shown above. To find out more, read an Overview of crawled and managed properties in SharePoint Server 2013 at Microsoft TechNet.
If you are using SharePoint Server (on-premises), the crawled properties and managed properties needed for Email Search and Keyword Search will be mapped automatically after enabling the MacroView DMS Search feature under Web Application Features and running a full site crawl (see MacroView DMS Installation and Configuration Guide: Section 3.6).
If you are using SharePoint Online (Office 365), the crawled properties and managed properties needed for Email Search and Keyword Search must be mapped manually. Refer to Search configuration of SharePoint Online for a detailed walkthrough.
Can I create custom search panels?
Yes! You can add new controls to an existing search panel, or define additional new search panels by editing the Search Mask XML definition file. (Note: search masks use managed properties as their source.) MacroView recommends creating new search panels rather than editing the ones provided so you can create search panels that reflect the metadata structure and requirements of your organisation.
Though the default search panels should not be edited, these panels can be used as examples for creating new tailored-search panels for your organisation.
To find out how to create your own custom search panels, read Defining custom search panels for DMS and DMS Pro.
For more information regarding how managed properties work with MacroView Search powered by SharePoint, refer to Defining managed properties for search panels.
Where are the Search Mask XML definition files located?
SharePoint Server (on-premises)
MacroView DMS search panels for SharePoint Server (on-premises) can be found on your server at the following location:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\XX\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\MacroViewDMFSearch\SearchMasks.xml
The Email Search and Keyword Search panels are available in MacroView DMS if the MacroView DMS Search feature is active on the content web-application.
SharePoint Online (Office 365) or Client-Side Only Mode
When using MacroView DMS with SharePoint Online (Office 365) or against an on-premises server using Client-Side Only mode, unless you have a Client Side Search Mask Location set under DMS Options, the default search panel definition can be found at the following location on the client machine:
C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\MacroView DMF\Store\O365Mask.xml
If the O365Masks.xml file is invalid or not present, MacroView DMS will continue to provide the default set of search masks, alternatively you can download a new copy of the file from the MacroView DMS or MacroView DMS Pro downloads page.
How do I get started creating a custom search panel?
There are two steps to getting your custom search panel up and running:
- Construct your own search panel by building a Search Mask XML definition. For everything you need to know about building your own Search Mask XML definition including how to define the name, source, controls and more, refer to Defining custom search panels for DMS and DMS Pro.
- Share your search mask with SharePoint by:
- (On-premises) Uploading it to your SharePoint Server, or
- (Online/Office 365 only) Linking the Search Mask XML definition with MacroView DMS.
MacroView consultants are experts in SharePoint document management and can assist you in customising your search based on your requirements.
How do I upload and install a custom search panel?
See the following knowledge base article for detailed steps: Installing a custom search panel.
How do I search for non-Office files?
See the following knowledge base article for detailed steps: How to search for non-Office files in DMS.