Setting up MacroView columns in SharePoint Online for search
MacroView DMS support for search in SharePoint Online was introduced in April 2016 (version 8.2) with the same out-of-the-box search masks used for SharePoint 2010 and 2013. The ability to customise and define your own search masks for SharePoint Online was introduced in version 8.4.
Setting up MacroView search in SharePoint Online involves five steps:
- Ensuring crawled properties for MacroView columns exist
- Mapping the MacroView crawled properties to managed properties in SharePoint search
- Reindexing your SharePoint area to update changes
- Creating a search mask XML definition based on the newly created managed properties
- Linking the search mask XML definition with MacroView DMF in order to view and use your search panel(s)
Step 1: Ensuring crawled properties exist
Crawled properties are created by SharePoint when a new column is indexed by the Search Indexer for the first time. As a general rule a column needs to have been assigned data to be picked up in the search index.
The MacroView standard columns can be created using the MacroView sample library utility - see Step 4: Install MacroView Sample Libraries on the MacroView DMS 365 Evaluation page
You can ensure the columns are populated with data by dragging some files and emails into the sample library. Note that your emails should include attachments and ideally be of high importance to ensure the mvImportance and mvHasAttachments columns are populated.
To force the library to be indexed as soon as possible, go to Library Settings > Advanced and click on Reindex document library.
SharePoint Online Search indexing / reindexing is usually done within 15 minutes, and almost always within an hour. However there have been occasions where it can take a number of hours so don't panic if it seems to be taking a while.
Step 2: Mapping managed properties
MacroView DMS both work with a standard set of MacroView columns which are then mapped to associated managed properties in search.
Managed properties must be defined at the Office 365 tenant level and be mapped correctly for the search panels to work. To find out more, read an Overview of crawled and managed properties in SharePoint Server 2013 at Microsoft TechNet.
The required managed properties are listed below along with how to define them.
The managed properties fall into two groups:
- Those of type Text which can be created manually (or by scripting)
- Those of type Date and Time which must be set up manually (and may be able to be scripted).
Standard managed properties
Creation of managed properties is done from the Manage Search Schema page in SharePoint. To get there, log into SharePoint Online as an admin user and navigate to SharePoint Admin Center > Search > Manage Search Schema.
To create a new managed property click on New Managed Property.
Note: At the time of writing Microsoft were looking to change the SharePoint Online management interface so these instructions may become inaccurate.
The following properties should be created and defined as type Text. Their properties are as follows:
Search Panel Control | Name (Case sensitive) | Properties | Mapped crawled properties* |
To | mvTo | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve, Multi) | ows_mvTo |
From | mvFrom | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvFrom |
Subject | mvSubject | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvConversationTopic |
Importance | mvImportance | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvImportance |
Received Time |
mvReceivedTime |
Type: Date and Time (Query, Retrieve) |
RefinableDateSingle00 [or if it's already in use, the first non-mapped entry] |
Has Attachments? | mvHasAttachments | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvHasAttachments |
Checked out to me | mvCheckoutUser | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_CheckoutUser |
My Document | mvMyDocument | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve, Multi) | Office:4, Office:8, Mail:6** [leave include content from all crawled properties ticked] |
*Note 1: The crawled properties will appear after the columns mvTo, mvFrom, etc have been created, assigned data, and a search crawl run. See below for more details.
**Note 2: Office:4 is not the same as Office4. The easiest way to find these crawled properties is to type in just the number – eg type in “4” and “Office:4” will be returned.
Special properties - configuring mvReceivedTime
In SharePoint Online it is not possible to create a number of types of managed property. Instead Microsoft has provided sets of managed properties of the relevant type for us to use. Most of the settings for these are not alterable so typically we map the necessary crawled properties to them and give them an alias.
- Inbuilt managed property: RefinableDateSingle00
- Type: Date and Time
- Map crawled property: ows_mvReceivedTime
- Alias (Case sensitive): mvReceivedTime
Video - Creating Managed Properties in SharePoint for MacroView DMS
MacroView legal solution (configurable) managed properties
If you are configuring MacroView Case and Matter 365, you will also need to map the following Case and Matter specific crawled properties in addition to the ones detailed above. If you are not using Case and Matter, you do not need to define these.
Search Panel Control | Name (Case sensitive) | Properties | Mapped crawled properties* |
Matter Name | mvDocSetName | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvDocSetName |
Matter Number | mvDocSetNumber | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvDocSetNumber |
Matter Type | mvDocSetType | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_taxId_mvDocSetType |
Matter Status | mvDocSetStatus | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_taxId_mvDocSetStatus |
Matter Manager | mvManagedBy | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve, Multi) | ows_mvManagedBy |
MVCaseAndMatter | mvSolution | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvSolution |
Document Type | mvDocumentType | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_taxId_mvDocumentType |
Author | mvDocumentAuthor | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvDocumentAuthor |
Document ID | dlcDocIdOWSTEXT | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_q_TEXT__dlc_DocId |
*Note 1: The crawled properties will appear after the columns mvDocSetName, mvDocSetNumber, etc have been created, assigned data, and a search crawl run. See below for more details.
Managed Properties for Case and Matter (configurable)
Step 3: Re-index your SharePoint area to update changes
It is recommended that you reindex your site once you have mapped your crawled properties to managed properties. This ensures that SharePoint will recognise the changes you have made and will start the process to get them ready for use with MacroView DMS.
To do this:
- Navigate to your SharePoint Online site
- Open the Settings menu (cogwheel) and select Site Settings
- Under the Search subheading click Search and offline availability
- Click the Reindex site button. A popup will appear asking if you are sure about initiating the reindex - click Reindex site to proceed
- Click OK in the bottom right to finish
Video - Creating Managed Properties in SharePoint for MacroView Legal Solution
Step 4: Creating a search mask XML definition
See this knowledge base article: Defining custom search panels for DMS and Message
Step 5: Linking the search mask definition with MacroView DMS
See this entry in the MacroView Search FAQ: How do I upload and install a custom search panel?
Related articles
- FAQ: MacroView DMS search panels
- Search configuration for SharePoint Online
- Defining custom search panels for DMS
- Index of search configuration articles
Case and Matter managed properties (Legacy)
If you are configuring MacroView Case and Matter 365, you will also need to map the following Case and Matter specific crawled properties in addition to the ones detailed above. If you are not using Case and Matter, you do not need to define these.
Search Panel Control | Name (Case sensitive) | Properties | Mapped crawled properties* |
Matter Name | mvMatterName | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvMatterName |
Matter Number | mvMatterNumber | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvMatterNumber |
Matter Type (choice)** | mvMatterType | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvMatterType |
Matter Type | mvMatterType | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_taxId_mvMatterType |
Matter Status | mvMatterStatus | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvMatterStatus |
Matter Manager | mvMatterManagedBy | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve, Multi) | ows_mvMatterManagedBy |
Document Type (choice)** | mvDocumentTypeC | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvDocumentTypeC |
Document Type | mvDocumentType | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_taxId_mvDocumentType |
Author | mvDocumentAuthor | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_mvDocumentAuthor |
Document ID | dlcDocIdOWSTEXT | Type: Text (Search, Query, Retrieve) | ows_q_TEXT__dlc_DocId |
*Note 1: The crawled properties will appear after the columns mvMatterName, mvMatterNumber, etc have been created, assigned data, and a search crawl run. See below for more details.
**Note 2: If you have provisioned Case and Matter (Choice) using MacroView Solution Provisioning (MVSP), use these mapped crawled properties.