Automated installs and upgrades is a common IT task. MacroView products support:
- MSI based automated installation
- Settings management through Group Policy
- Search masks for SharePoint Online (and On-Premise in Client-Only mode)
MSI based automated installation
At time of writing, the MSI is embedded in the exe installers and can be extracted by opening the exe using an archiving utility like 7-Zip. At some time in the future this may change in which case the MSI file will be available directly on the download pages.
Command lines like the following can be used to install or upgrade MacroView products:
- msiexec /i "C:\Temp\macroviewdmf.msi" /qn /L "C:\Temp\result.log"
Additional information on command line switches for msiexec are available at
Note that these commands need to be run in a command window opened as administrator by a user account that is a local admin.
- While MacroView clients can be installed when a user is logged in it is better to have them logged out to ensure all running Office applications are closed and add-ins get correctly installed.
- MacroView DMS and DMS Pro have a local service component that is run using the account of the logged-on user. This should be stopped by the install process.
- The MSI can also be deployed using Active Directory Software Installation, System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) or other third-party utilities.
Settings management through Group Policy
MacroView products store their user settings in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER branch of the registry. All settings can also be configured and enforced using Group Policy. An ADMX file which can be imported into Group Policy Management is available on the product download pages.
Search masks for SharePoint Online (and On-Premise in Client-Only mode)
For SharePoint Online, search masks are stored in the users AppData area in the file:
- C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\MacroView DMF\Store\O365Masks.xml
If not present, MacroView DMS and DMS Pro will create a default search mask file. If custom search masks are required, the file can be edited and then rolled out to the relevant users.
This is the same when connecting to a SharePoint 2013 or 2016 server in Client-Only mode.
Note: For SharePoint on-premises with the MacroView DMS farm solution deployed, MacroView DMS search masks are attached to the web application, so no client roll-out is required.