This version of UDN Client introduces new options to suppress the Checked out banner from showing after saving a document.
Both options can be used together to prevent the banner from being shown in all situations, or separately to cater for the situation.
Options for UDN can be found in the UDN section of the Home tab in the Word/Excel ribbon.
Close checked out documents when restoring edit state.
Enabling this option will prevent the document from becoming checked out. This option prevents the Checked out banner from appearing in most cases.
This option will cause the document to close and reopen when using Save as to SharePoint (eg. when saving a new revision).
Suppress check out banner
Enabling this option will hide the Checked out banner if it is detected.
The banner may still appear briefly before it is suppressed.
For a concise list of the changes and improvements in this release, please see AOI UDN 7.1 Release Notes.