The Create MacroView Library extension is intended to supplement MacroView Provisioning for DMF and Message, allowing users with SharePoint Edit permission (or higher) to create MacroView Libraries in site collections that already contain the required MacroView columns and content types.
This differs to MacroView Provisioning for DMF and Message, which is designed for admins to create and provision new SharePoint areas and requires tenant or site collection administrator permissions to run successfully.
How it works
After installing Create MacroView Library a new right-click menu option called 'Create' will be added to your right-click menu when selecting a site or site collection node.
Pictured above: The 'Create' menu displayed when right-clicking a site collection node.
The 'Create' option contains the following menu items:
- Library: The default MacroView DMF interface showing a list of available library templates at the chosen site collection. By default, libraries available in this list are not configured to capture document and email metadata.
- MacroView Library: A custom interface for creating a document library pre-configured with MacroView columns, content types and views ready to capture and display email and document metadata as you save to SharePoint via MacroView DMF or Message.
MacroView libraries can only be created if the target site/site collection has been provisioned with the required MacroView columns and content types - this can be completed with MacroView Provisioning for DMF and Message.
Note: If the required columns and content types are missing, users will not be able to create a MacroView library.
Pictured above: (Left) Library dialog with list of available templates. (Right) Custom create MacroView Library dialog.
Close Microsoft Outlook, DMF Explorer (if applicable) and the MacroView DMF Local Service then download and run the installer packages that corresponds with your installation of MacroView DMF or MacroView Message.
Create MacroView Library 1.0.2 (64-bit)
Create MacroView Library 1.0.2 (32-bit)
Minimum requirements:
- MacroView DMF or MacroView Message 8.5.1020 or later
- MacroView Provisioning for DMF / Message must not be installed
To find out if your customisation has been installed correctly check this help centre article.