Provisioner - What do you get?
A typical bulk provisioning solution is comprised of the following components.
MacroView.Solutions.Provisioning.Console (Windows console application)
This command line application is installed by running either the Windows x64 or Windows x86 msi installer depending on the bitness of your Windows Operating System.
See download and install section below.
Custom XML files (if applicable)
MacroView provides out-of-the-box solutions for document and email management and also offers industry best practice solutions such as MacroView Case and Matter and MacroView Project. These solutions are installed by default and can be evaluated and subsequently licensed for use.
However some clients may require custom solutions, in this scenario the custom solution will be comprised of one or more custom XML files. These custom XML files define custom options and configurations for SharePoint components such as term groups, term sets, site columns, content types, sites and libraries.
* Custom solutions may also be comprised of one to more custom MacroView DMF / Message extensions.
Console Commands (Excel spreadsheet)
The console command spreadsheet can be used to author hundreds or thousands of commands, such as create site or create library. The resulting commands are copy / pasted into text text files (batch files) for bulk execution.
* The console commands spreadsheet is included in the Download Zip File.
Batch Files (authored by the end user)
The batch files are simple text file authored using the Console Commands spreadsheet and executed using the MacroView.Solutions.Provisioning.Console application.
Download and Install
The following article outlines how to download, install and configure MVSP Standalone.
Please note that the article is locked down to specific users (if you would like access to the article please contact MacroView).
The "How to deploy custom XML files" section from the article is provided below in case you don't have access to the above article.
How to deploy custom XML files (if applicable)
MacroView Provisioner (version 4.7 and above)
In MacroView Provisioner version 4.7 and above the deployment process for custom XML files has been automated.
To deploy the supplied "" custom XML files.
Step 1
To deploy the custom XML files please start Windows Command Prompt.
Run > Command Prompt
Run a command prompt using the Windows Start button and search for Command Prompt (CMD)
Step 2
Run the following command in the command prompt to change directory.
cd "C:\Program Files\MacroView\MVSP\Standalone"
Step 3
Run the following command in the command prompt to deploy the custom XML files.
MacroView.Solutions.Provisioning.Console.exe -Operation DeployConfig -filepath "C:\temp\"
MacroView.Solutions.Provisioning.Console.exe -Operation DeployConfig -filepath "C:\temp\"
Step 4
Run the following command in the command prompt to verify that the custom XML files have been deployed.
MacroView.Solutions.Provisioning.Console.exe -Operation CheckConfig
MacroView.Solutions.Provisioning.Console.exe -Operation CheckConfig
MVSP Standalone / MacroView Provisioner (version 3.0 to 4.6)
Deploy the custom XML files by unzipping the supplied "" to the following location on the file system.
C:\Users\your-username\AppData\Roaming\MacroView MVSP\Store\MVSP
- Create the folders with the exact names as the path above inside the Roaming folder (i.e., create three folders: MacroView MVSP\Store\MVSP).
- Then unzip the "" inside the MVSP folder. Please note that our most recent custom solutions contain the MVSP folder inside the zip file, in this case please delete the MVSP folder then unzip inside the Store folder.
- The resulting folder path and structure should look as follows.
Important: XML files inside the MVSP folder are signed, thus any change to the contents of these files will cause the signature validation process to fail and provisioning will be halted. The SiteListContents.xml file located inside the MV folder is the only file that is not signed, and its contents can be changed to define custom library or document set folder structures.
Continue to Part 3 - Help System