Single Command vs Batch Commands
Commands can be run one at a time or in bulk (batch of commands).
- Execute single command
- Execute batch command (see Batch Command page)
- Execute Excel command (see Excel Command page)
Single Commands
- Add To Library
- Add To Site
- Add To Site Collection
- Create Channel (Office 365 Only)
- Create Document Set
- Create Library
- Create Site
- Create Site Collection (Office 365 Only)
- Create Team (Office 365 only)
Add To Library Command
Required Arguments
-operation AddToLibrary
-url "
-packageKey MV_CM
-operation AddToLibrary -url "" -packageKey MV_CM -optionKey MV_CM_MM_ADD_LIBRARY
Add To Site Command
Required Arguments
-operation AddToSite
-url ""
-packageKey MV_CM
-operation AddToSite -url "" -packageKey MV_CM -optionKey MV_CM_MATTER_LIST_ADD_SITE
Add To Site Collection Command
Required Arguments
-operation AddToSiteCollection
-url ""
-packageKey MV_CM
Optional Arguments
-repair 1
-repair: accepted values are 1, true, 0, false
-operation AddToSiteCollection -url "" -packageKey MV_CM -optionKey MV_CM_MM_ADD_SITECOLLECTION -repair 1
Create Channel Command (Office 365 only)
Required Arguments
-operation CreateChannel
-url ""
-packageKey MV
-optionKey MV_Create_Channel
-displayName "Channel 1"
Optional Arguments
-description "Channel 1"
Office 365 only
-operation CreateChannel -url "" -packageKey MV -optionKey MV_DMF_Create_Channel-displayName "Channel 1" -description "Channel 1"
Create Document Set Command
Required Arguments
-operation CreateDocumentSet
-url ""
-packageKey MV
-optionKey MV_DocumentSet_Create
-displayName "Docset 1"
-parentcontenttypeid "0x0120D520"
Optional Arguments
-filepath "C:\Temp\DocumentSet.xml"
MacroView.Solutions.Provisioning.Console.exe -operation CreateDocumentSet -packageKey MV -optionKey MV_DocumentSet_Create -url "" -name "docset" -parentcontenttypeid "0x0120D520" -sessionenabled 1
Example with file path
MacroView.Solutions.Provisioning.Console.exe -operation CreateDocumentSet -packageKey MV -optionKey MV_DocumentSet_Create -url "" -name "docset" -parentcontenttypeid "0x0120D520" -filepath "C:\Temp\DocumentSet.xml" -sessionenabled 1
Create Library Command
Required Arguments
-operation CreateLibrary
-url ""
-packageKey MV_DMF
-optionKey MV_DMF_Create_Library
Optional Arguments
-description "Library 1"
-operation CreateLibrary -url "" -packageKey MV_DMF -optionKey MV_DMF_Create_Library -name "Library 1" -description "Library 1"
Create Site Command
Required Arguments
-operation CreateSite
-url ""
-packageKey MV
-optionKey MV_Create_Site
-title "Site 1"
-languageId 1033
Optional Arguments
-description "Site 1"
-languageId: 1033 is English, to view the complete list enter /? /languages
-operation CreateSite -url "" -packageKey MV -optionKey MV_Create_Site -title "Site 1" -description "Site 1" -languageId 1033
Create Site Collection Command (Office 365 only)
Required Arguments
-operation CreateSiteCollection
-url ""
-packageKey MV
-optionKey MV_Create_SiteCollection
-siteTemplate STS#3
-languageId 1033
-timezoneId 76
-storage 1
Optional Arguments
-hubSiteUrl ""
-title "A B C"
-includeList 1
SharePoint Online only
-languageId: 1033 is English, to view the complete list enter /? /languages
-siteTemplate: STS#3 is 'SharePoint Modern Team Site', to view the complete list enter /? /sitetemplates
-storage (gigabytes): 1 is equal to one gigabyte, minimum is 1, maximum is 100
-timezoneId: 76 is '(GMT + 10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney', to view to complete list enter /? /timezones
-administrators: add administrators
-includeList: accepted values are 1, true, 0, false
-operation CreateSiteCollection -url "" -packageKey MV -optionKey MV_Create_SiteCollection -siteTemplate STS#3 -title "A B C" -languageId 1033 -timezoneId 76 -storage 1
Create Team Command (Office 365 only)
Required Arguments
-operation CreateTeam
-url ""
-packageKey MV
-optionKey MV_Create_Team
-displayName "Team 1"
-mailNickName Team1
-visibility Private
Optional Arguments
-mailEnabled 1
-securityEnabled 0
-hubSiteUrl ""
-owners ";"
-members ";"
-description "Team 1"
Office 365 only
-visibility: accepted values are Private, Public, HiddenMembership
-mailEnabled: accepted values are 1, true, 0, false, if not specified it defaults to true
-securityEnabled: accepted values are 1, true, 0, false, if not specified it defaults to false
MacroView.Solutions.Provisioning.Console.exe -operation CreateTeam -packageKey MV -optionKey MV_Create_Team -url "" -displayName "Team 1" -mailNickName Team1 -discription "Team 1" -visibility Private -mailEnabled 1 -securityEnabled 0 -members ";"