A log file is generated to indicate the success or failure of each command.
A diagnostic log file is generated to help with troubleshooting (captures retries and Custom XML file loads as well as other diagnostic information).
A CSV file is generated for each batch file run.
The logs and CSV files are located in the following directory on the file system.
C:\Users\your-username\AppData\Local\MacroView MVSP
Running the Provisioning Solution
MacroView experience indicates that SharePoint Online may throttle applications such as this bulk provisioning solution, because they are seen to be performing an unusually large amount of processing. In this light MacroView will decorate the commands that it sends to SharePoint Online, but it still may be necessary to break the overall provisioning exercise into a number of smaller batch jobs. The command authoring spreadsheet as well as the log, diagnostic and CSV files generated by the system will be very useful in this regard.
Please see the system generated log, diagnostic and CSV files.
Please use the system’s built-in help documentation for detailed information about each command and to list time-zones and languages in order to lookup identifiers.
If the following Windows security message is encountered, please uninstall the MacroView Provisioner application and re-install it.