There are four options for saving emails and attachments in MacroView DMS to SharePoint:
- Save complete message
- Save complete message and attachments separately (introduced in DMS 8.4.1317)
- Save message body and attachments separately
- Show Email Save Options dialog
Users have the option to specify a default setting without needing to respond to additional prompts OR choose how they want to save each email through a dialog.
MacroView DMS 8.4.1243 and later allows users to split off attachments and save them separately when saving individual email messages from Outlook to SharePoint.
This functionality is controlled through a user option setting named Save Attachment Type, found in MacroView DMS under Options > Office (pictured below).
Save Attachment Type contains four different options that provide greater flexibility when saving emails and/or attachments:
- Save complete message (default) - Save the email including its attachments in a single *.msg or *.eml file.
- Save complete message and attachments separately - Save the email including its attachments in a single *.msg or *.eml file and saves a separate copy of the email attachments.
- Save message body and attachments separately - Save the message body and its attachments separately.
- Show Email Save Options dialog - Show the Email Save Options dialog with the following options, allowing the user to specifically select how an email and its attachments are saved (defaults to most recently selected option).
See Also
Drag and drop attachments directly from emails that have been saved to SharePoint