MacroView DMF and Message support a range of optional plug-ins that can be installed to extend the standard functionality. Many of these plug-ins are freely available for you to download, install and use while others require purchasing an additional license.
If the plug-in requires a license you must first obtain the license by contacting before it will function. Once you are notified that the license has been issued the activation is a two step process.
Step 1 - Refresh your DMF or Message server license
If you are using MacroView DMF or Message with SharePoint Online (Office 365) the MacroView Service team will have already completed this step for you.
If you are using on-premises SharePoint then your administrator will need to refresh the license on your SharePoint server.
Step 2 - Refresh your DMF or Message client license
To force a refresh of the client license so that any changes or additions are picked up (including your new plug-in license) simply follow the below steps for you version of DMF or Message:
MacroView DMF and Message 8.6.19 or later:
- In MacroView DMF, go to File>Options > Support page
- Click on the Refresh Licenses button
- Any new license changes, including plug-ins, will now be available for use.
MacroView DMF and Message 8.6.6 or earlier:
- Shutdown DMF Explorer, Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint
- Shutdown the DMF local service (yellow cube in the system tray)
- Delete the license files from the AppData\Roaming\MacroView DMF\Licence folder under the users profile
- Restart Outlook or DMF Explorer
Any new license changes, including plug-ins, will now be available for use.