When selecting a location to save an email, MacroView Mail remembers the five most recent locations (libraries, document sets and folders) you have used making them quick and easy to select from the Select where to save screen without needing to search or navigate your SharePoint structure.
When inserting an attachment into an email, MacroView Mail will also present your five most recently inserted files as 'Recent Files'.
You can also mark up to 30 locations as a 'Favorite' so that the location is always available for selection on the initial Select where to save screen.
Sync Favourites
Sync and Back Up your favourites with DMS and OneDrive. Learn more about Sync Favourites in DMS.
Enable Sync Favourites in Mail Settings (⚙️).
Mail will prefill the default MacroView Sync Favourites location on OneDrive (Documents > MacroView).
To choose your own location for sync favourites, select, paste or enter a different Remote path for Sync Favourites URL.
When enabling Sync Favourites, your legacy Mail favourites will be automatically migrated to Sync Favourites.
If you already have both Mail Favourites and Sync Favourites from DMS, then you will keep both and see a legacy Favourites section, in addition to the new Sync Favourites section.
To hide the legacy Favourites section, remove each favourite manually. This section will be hidden when there are no legacy Favourites to show.
Add a Favorite
Navigate to the location and select the 3 dots to the right of the location.
Then select Add to Favorites.
If the location is also one of your recent locations it will be removed from the recent list. If Sync Favourites is enabled, the favourite will automatically be added to your Sync Favourites list.
You can also make a Recent location a Favorite location by selecting the 3 dots to the right of the Recent and selecting Add to Favorites.
Removing a Favorite or Recent
Navigate to the Where to save screen or Select attachment and select the 3 dots to the right of the favorite or recent location or file.
Then select Remove from Favorites or Remove form Recent
If you have purchased a Corporate subscription for MacroView Mail and a Favorites subscription URL has been configured under settings, the Select Where to Save screen will also include a Subscriptions heading listing any locations that have been assigned to you in the subscription list.
Subscriptions are refreshed each time the Subscriptions heading is expanded.