The following MacroView products support using a different language for the wording of commands, messages, menu items and other user interface elements.
- MacroView DMS and DMS Pro
- MacroView Enhanced Versioning and Auto Numbering modules
- MacroView Generator
You can also create a custom language file to re-brand or relabel any commands.
MacroView DMS and DMS Pro
The language in MacroView DMS and DMS Pro is set under Options > General
Note: A restart of Office applications and the DMS local service is required before changes will take effect.
Re-branding DMS and DMS Pro
To customize any of the text displayed for commands, messages, menu items you can create a custom xaml file. MacroView DMS and DMS Pro support creating a single custom.xaml file to ovewrite all languages or a separate file for each language. See Re-branding / Localisation for more information.
Click here to download the default custom.xaml file.
These custom files can then be deployed to all users via a central configuration location in SharePoint. See Setting a central configuration resource location for more information.
MacroView Enhanced Versioning & Auto Numbering modules
The language in MacroView these modules (version 6.2.12 or later) is set under Options > General
Re-branding AOI and UDN
To customise any of the text displayed for commands, messages, menu items you can create a custom.xaml file and substitute the required text for each entry.
Click here to download the default custom.xaml file.
The custom.xaml file needs to be copied to the following location in each users computer.
C:\Program Files\MacroView\UDN\Intl
MacroView Generator
MacroView Generator currently only supports English but can still be re-branded (see below).
Re-branding Generator
To customise any of the text displayed for commands, messages, menu items you can create a custom. xaml file and substitute the required texts for each entry.
Click here to download the default custom.xaml file.
The custom.xaml file needs to be copied to the following location in each users computer.
C:\Program Files\MacroView\Generator\Intl