The default email filename format used by MacroView DMF and MacroView Message is designed to prevent duplicate copies of the same email being saved in any one location. You can modify the email filename format if required and in DMF and Message 8.7.143 and later you can also include some fixed or static text in the filename.
To include fixed text in the email filename enter [Text_abc] in the required location in the Email Filename Format field under MacroView Options, Office, Outlook where abc is the required fixed text.
The fixed text supports the inclusion of spaces, underscores and other special characters and the place holder can be inserted in any position and any number of times in the filename.
For a full list of email filename format options see Defining the default filename for saved emails
- Reserved characters (<>:"/\|?*) are not supported.
- Opening and closing square brackets ( i.e. "[" and "]") are also not supported.
Version Support
- MacroView DMF and Message 8.7.143 or later