The 'New' button on the File List Toolbar in MacroView DMF and Message allows you to create new folders, document sets, documents and emails in the selected location.
The items created can be based on the selected locations content types or your Office templates.
The following item types are supported:
- Folder content types (standard and custom)
- Document Set content types
- Word documents (.dotx and .docx)
- Excel documents (.xltx and .xlsx)
- PowerPoint presentations (.potx and .pptx)
- Email (.oft)
To create a new folder, document set or a document or email, click the New button and select the required content type or Office Document template.
Folders and Document Sets
Selecting an option that is associated with a folder or document set content type will display a dialog where you can enter the new items name and any associated metadata values.
Clicking OK will create the new folder or document set and update the file list and tree view.
The Folder and option will only be present on the New button if the Make "New Folder" command available option is enabled in the libraries settings in SharePoint.
Even if the new folder is enabled in SharePoint, the Folder and Document Set options will only be shown on the New menu in DMF and Message when the Display Create Folder Button and Display Create Document Set options are also enabled under DMF Options.
Selecting an option that is associated with an Office document or template will create a new document in Word, Excel or PowerPoint and display the Save As to SharePoint dialog so you can enter the filename and if required change the save location.
Clicking OK will create the new document and prompt for any metadata associated with the content type and selected location. If you select an Office template, a standard Office document will be created based on the template ready for saving to SharePoint.
Selecting an option that is associated with an Email (.oft file) will start a new email.
If the selected location corresponds with a MacroView Corporate Email Filing (CEF) rule or a location that contains the configured metadata columns (see below), the associated tag will be pre-populated into the new emails subject line.
See Changing the template associated with Emails on the 'New' menu for information on how to change the template associated with a document content type.
Note: Options associated with email templates are only listed when Outlook is running.
Selecting the Link option will display the Open from SharePoint dialog so you can select a file the new link will point too.
Once the user has selected a file and clicked Open, DMF creates a .url file in a local temporary location and then uploads this file to SharePoint.
Note that there is a timer job on SharePoint that sets the Shortcut URL field after a .url file has been uploaded so it can take a while after a .url file has been created before all the supported features such as preview are available in DMF. As long as the Shortcut URL is not set DMF will display the generic .url icon for the URL link rather than the icon of the underlying file type.
What document types are available
The options presented on the New button will vary depending on whether or not content types are enabled in the selected library and the template the content types are associated with.
Content types that do not have a valid Office document template are not shown. Supported Office templates are files with the following file extensions: .dotx, .docx, .xltx, .xlsx, .potx, .pptx and .oft
Custom document content types can be defined without an associated template. These will not be listed on the New button menu.
You can also control whether the options present on the New button are just the document content types configured for the selected location or whether new documents can also be created based on Office templates located in the users computer or a file share, or even from a folder in the central configuration location in SharePoint.
To include the Office Document option on the New menu, enable the option Show 'Office Document' option on New menu under DMF options > General.
Libraries without content types enabled
When content types are not enabled the New button will include Folder and Document options by default.
The Folder option will only be present if the Make "New Folder" command available option is enabled in the library settings and the Display Create Folder Button option is also enabled under DMF Options.
The Office Document option will also be shown if the Show 'Office Document' option on New menu option is selected in DMF Options.
Libraries with content types enabled
When content types are enabled, the New button will include an option for each folder content type and document set content type as well as an option for each document content type that has a valid Office document template association.
The Folder option will only be present if the Make "New Folder" command available option is enabled in the library settings and the Display Create Folder Button option is also enabled under DMF Options.
The Document set content types will only be present if the Display Create Document Set Button option is enabled under DMF Options.
The Office Document option will also be shown if the Show 'Office Document' option on New menu option is selected in DMF Options.
Office Documents
If the Show 'Office Document' option on New menu option is selected in DMF Options the New button will also display an Office Document option.
The Office Document option will present templates located on the local computer, a file share or a from a folder in the central configuration location in SharePoint.
By default the Office Document option will present all of the Office templates and documents located in your Shared Template location which can be set by configuring a Workgroup Template Path in Microsoft Word under Options > Advanced > File Locations.
If the files in the nominated location are spread across sub folders, these will be presented in a cascading menu.
If you do not specify a Shared Template location then MacroView DMF and Message will present a default list of blank Office documents.
If you use a Shared Template Location but would like to specify a different location for your Office Document templates, or you want to change how the Office Document sub menu options appear and behave, you can do this using a configuration file.
In MacroView DMF 8.8.520 or later, if there are templates located under the Templates folder in your central configuration location, you can configure the Office Document option to user these templates by specifying %appdata%\MacroView DMF\Store\Templates as the AlternateTemplatesPath.
See the section below on configuring the Office Document menu option.
Configuring the Office Document menu option
By default the Office Document option will present all of the Office templates and documents located in your Shared Template location in a cascading sub menu.
Or if a Shared Template location is not set it will present a list of four default document types.
The Shared Template location can be set by configuring a Workgroup Template Path in Microsoft Word under Options > Advanced > File Locations.
If however you want Office Document menu options to be presented as a flat list, you want the templates to come from a different location on your local computer or a file share or you do not want the Save As to SharePoint dialog to be displayed after the new document is created, you can control this using a configuration file.
- Change DisplayFlatListInDMF to true to show all templates in a single flat list instead of a cascading list.
- Enter an AlternateTemplatesPath to show templates from a location on your local PC, a file share or at %AppData%\MacroView DMF\Store\Templates if usin a central configuration location to deploy the templates.
- Change DisplaySaveAsInWord, DisplaySaveAsInExcel and DisplaySaveAsInPowerPoint to stop the Save As to SharePoint dialog triggering after a new document is created in each Office application.
This configuration.xml file must be saved to the users profile under AppData\Roaming\MacroView DMF\Store\Extensions\CreateNewDocument or it can be deployed from a central location by placing it in the Extensions\CreateNewDocument folder in the central configuration location.
You can also use the configuration.xml file (shown above) to control the automatic tagging of emails created from the New menu.
- Specify the document set content type, metadata column internal name and format characters to be used to insert the email.
The above example will insert a tag using the values stored in the mvClientNumber and mvMatterNumber columns of the selected documents set if its content type is Matter Document Set. e.g. [C1234-M56563]
- Change the UseCEFRules to true or false to control whether or not a MacroView Corporate Email Filing (CEF) tag is inserted into the subject of the new email when the location matches a CEF rule.
Note: When UseCEFRules is set to true, it will take precedence over any other email configuration settings if the selected location matches a CEF rule.
- The New button is not available when a GroupBy view is selected.
- SharePoint permissions are respected so a user will not be able to create a document in a library for which they only have read access.
Version Support
- MacroView DMF or MacroView Message 8.8 or later (Preview support in 8.7.143)
- SharePoint Online
- Office document template formats: .docx, .dotx, .xlsx, .xltx, .pptx, .potx and .oft
See Also
- Create new document based on templates on your local computer or file system