MacroView DMF/Message 9.0 and later have streamlined adding O365 tenants.
Microsoft 365
When adding a new server, you will be prompted to sign into a Microsoft 365 account.
Once you have signed in, 2 servers will be added.
The tenant and the OneDrive account.
Use a SharePoint server
Used when adding a on premises server, client side only (no sever component)
Advanced options
Adding a new server manually, and custom settings( also client 8.9 older method)
From this screen you can add, edit or remove on-premises SharePoint servers or SharePoint Online tenant as required.
Server List - Add
See Configuring a server in MacroView DMF or Message for more information.
To add a new SharePoint server or SharePoint Online tenant to your MacroView DMF tree view, click Add and enter the server details:
- Server Name - This is the name that will be displayed as the top node in the MacroView DMF tree view for this server.
- Server Path - Enter the URL for the server or tenant.
Server Type - Select the type of server for the specified Server Path. If you have entered a URL to a SharePoint Online tenant, the Server Type should be set automatically.
Note: This setting must match the server type for the server path (URL specified). If the server entry is created with the wrong server type, it cannot be change. The server entry will need to be deleted and recreated. - Time Out - The default timeout used for calls made by MacroView DMF to the server. It is recommended you do not change the default value of 15000 unless advised to do so by MacroView Support.
Advanced Tab
Do not show server in tree view
Do not show this server in tree view. You may want to do this to temporarily hide a server or so you can search the server but not browse it. -
Allow searching
This server/tenant will not be available to choose from the Search Server drop-down list in te MacroView DMF search mode.
Enable Favourites Subscriptions
Enable if your have a license includes Push Favourites to have MacroView DMF show the pushed favourites defined for this server in favorites mode.
Record Predictive Email Filing tags on this server (on-premises only)
If your license includes MacroView Predictive Email Filing (PEF), this server is the server that hosts the PEF database.
Assign Predictive Email Filing tags on save emails
If your license includes MacroView Predictive Email Filing (PEF), add tracing tags to emails that are saved to this server or tenant. -
Show Group and Team sites
Show Team and Teams sites in the MacroView DMF tree-view.
Group Sites in Hubs
Show site collections that are associated with a hub site grouped by their hub sites in the MacroView DMF tree view. See Working with Hub Sites -
Hubs to ignore
When Group Sites in Hubs is enabled hub sites with a title or GIUID matching
values entered in here will not be displayed in the tree view.
Server List - Edit
To change settings for a server or tenant entry, select the server in the list and click Edit
Server List - Delete
To delete a sever entry, select the server in the list and click Delete. If you want to hide the server entry in the MacroView tree view without deleting the server entry, see the Do not show server in tree view setting under the advance server options (see above)
Adding a license key
From MacroView DMF/Message 9.0 and later a license can directly be added to a tenant
When connecting to a user's account, DMF will attempt to detect a license.
If DMF does not find a license, a user is able to enter a key directly.
The License status can be found when editing a server.
Switching accounts
Accounts can be changed at each server level