The breadcrumb bar above the file list in MacroView DMF and MacroView Message provides a visual indication of the path you have followed to get to your current location.
How to use Breadcrumb navigation
Breadcrumb navigation works in Outlook and DMF Explorer. The breadcrumb control appears above the file list (as illustrated above) and it is available in the Browse, Favorites and Recent location modes. It is not present in search mode or Recent Files.
The breadcrumb will display a placeholder for each level in the selected locations URL.
If the breadcrumb is too long to be displayed above the file list, only the lower levels will be shown.
Clicking on an arrow in the breadcrumb in Browse mode navigates to the corresponding location and the breadcrumb updates when navigating in the tree view using different modes of navigation. e.g. clicking on tree node, navigate to URL etc...
In DMS 9.3 and later Favorites and Recent location modes now support navigation by breadcrumb. In earlier versions of DMF, you will need to select Browse mode and then navigate from there.
Setting the focus on the breadcrumb textbox enables manual editing of the URL so the user can then enter the URL manually, or copy or paste the URL for the selected location.
Depressing the Enter key with the focus on the breadcrumb textbox will navigate to the entered location.
If an invalid location is entered, the file list will navigate as far down the URL path as is valid.
Using the breadcrumb to navigate to a URL you have in the clipboard is a quick and easy alternative to using the Navigate to URL option on the tree view right-click menu.
Version Support
- MacroView DMF and MacroView Message 8.9.784 or later