The Settings tab in the Package window contains various options that are used when running the migration package:
Include source location | Includes the source location folder as the top-level item when migrating. |
Ignore hidden source items | Ignores items that are hidden on the file system. |
Trim invalid file and folder name characters | Removes any characters that are invalid in SharePoint from file and folder names. |
Trim single line of text field values | Limits single line of text values to 255 characters or less to ensure the properties are valid for migration. Characters exceeding this value will be removed/trimmed. |
Maximum destination path length in Characters | Character length check for the relative path. See more... |
Maintain created and modified dates | Retains source created and modified dates when files and folders are created in SharePoint. |
Update existing documents when source is newer | Checks the modified date and updates the destination file if the source file is newer. Does not apply to emails. If versioning is enabled a new version is created, otherwise the destination file is overwritten. |
Create document copy if found in destination | Uploads files with a 'copy' suffix appended to their names if a file with the same name already exists in the destination. |
Convert files to email save format | Converts MSG or EML files from a file system source to the email save format. |
Email save format | Specifies the format to use when saving items from an Outlook Store source. |
Standardize email file names | Uses the default MacroView DMF / Message email naming convention when uploading emails. |
Use legacy email filename format | Retains the same email format used in Migrator 3.3.13 and lower. For more information, see Migrator 4.0 Changes to email filename format. |
Email File format | Define the file name of a saved email. Email format options. |
Map Fields... | Allows automatically captured email properties to be mapped to custom fields. |
Extract Zip files in source root | Traverses the content of Zip files in the source location root folder and migrates the contained folders and files as if they existed on the file system in the source location. |
Record batch runs in single log | Causes batch run results to be written to a single log record. |
Skip item discovery | Avoids additional work that enables the progress indicator to show the percent complete. Once initial test runs are completed it is recommended this be enabled for larger Outlook sources where performance is an issue. |
Run validates source items only | Evaluates the workflow for each item in the source location but does not perform any actual migration. Useful for verifying that the workflow captures the expected items. |