The controls for taxonomy, choice and person/group in MacroView DMF 8.9.1468 and later allows for a more consistent experience when entering values for saving and searching of documents.
Taxonomy and Enterprise keyword fields
SharePoint taxonomy (managed metadata) columns are attached to a Term store that is located in the Central location of a tenant, (SharePoint online or On premises) at a Site collection level (SharePoint online) or in the column itself.
Adding values to a Taxonomy field
There are mainly 2 ways to add values to a taxonomy column-
- Type ahead and selecting the value
- Selecting the taxonomy icon and selecting a value from the hierarchical structure
Selecting multiple values
A taxonomy column can be setup to include multiple values
Values can be selected at the taxonomy selection window
Or typed ahead and selected individually
Enterprise Keywords and Open Terms
A user is able to add other values when using an enterprise keyword column or a user has the correct permissions to a term store value.
Search with Taxonomy fields
Taxonomy fields can be added to a search mask as search criteria
For more details how to setup a search mask with taxonomy fields
Search Panel controls: Enterprise Keyword and Taxonomy Search
Choice fields
In SharePoint, there are a variety of ways to setup a choice field.
The following are the most commonly used setups-
Less than 20 values
Values will displayed in a drop down list
Multi select
More than one value can be added
Multi select more values than 20
When there are more than 20 values, the user can select multiple values at the checkboxes.
A tick option is included to de/select all values .
Search is also available to narrow values
Fill in
When a choice field contains the fill in option, a user is able to add additional values by typing in a desired value and saving the document.
Type ahead
When the fill in option is enabled or the choice value contains more than 20 values, a user is able to type in the field to find a desired value.
Fill in
No fill in
When a choice field contains more than 20 values, DMF will automatically force the user to type ahead in the field rather than the drop down appear.
By enabling the setting below, the field always show the drop down values(unless you also have fill in enabled, type ahead is required to add values)
Multi select
The field will be disable and the user will be required to select the choice selection icon
Person/Group fields
MacroView DMF supports the Person/Group field and the different options.
The main ways to add values-
- Type ahead
Clicking on the icon and searching the contact directory
- Selecting multiple values- as show above looking for an email account or group.
See also
Capturing metadata for a document