Once you have created a matter and saved some files to it, you can locate these files by either navigating to the matter library or an individual matter in the MacroView DMF tree view and selecting a suitable view. To narrow down the files in the file list you can filter and sort the file list using the views column headers and/or search for files based on their metadata and content using the Find Files function.
Find Files
You can also customise any existing view and save it as your own personal view so that you can then sort and filter on whatever metadata columns you need. See Personal View for more information.
Advanced Search Configuration
To locate matters or files across your entire SharePoint Online environment, set up Search configuration for SharePoint Online (Office 365) and On-Premises (Client Side Only).
Once configured, right-click anywhere in the MacroView DMF tree view and select Search Site Tree or go to Search Mode and Select a search panel then enter the matter or file search criteria.