This tutorial will show you how to create a new site collection on your SharePoint server (on-premises).
For your evaluation, MacroView recommend you create a new site collection to test Case and Matter. This allows you to test our pre-configured SharePoint design for capturing and displaying metadata in site columns, content types and views without impacting other users in your organisation.
Tip: You will need to have a farm administrator account on your SharePoint server to create a site collection and install server components.
To create a new site collection:
- Log onto your SharePoint Server and open SharePoint Central Administration.
- Under the heading Application Management, click Create site collections.
- Fill in the following fields with your own values, however we recommend choosing the default Team Site template during your evaluation period:
- Web Application: any
- Title: any
- Description: any
- URL: any
- Template selection: Team Site
- Primary site collection administrator: any
- Secondary site collection administrator: any
- Click OK to begin creating your site collection
The site collection process normally takes a few minutes to complete. After it's finished you should be met with a confirmation screen.
Now that your new site collection has been created, the next step is to install the Case and Matter server components.
Next: Installing Case and Matter server components >>
<< Previous: Evaluating MacroView Case and Matter (on-premises)