Click on the License Information link under Settings to see the expiry status and other information about your MacroView Mail license.
The information presented depends on whether the type of license you have, either Free or Corporate.
Free version
If you are using the free license of MacroView Mail, you see one of the following messages:
Organisation with other MacroView product licenses. |
Organisations with no other MacroView product licenses. |
When using the free version of MacroView Mail, the number of remaining saves in the current 30-day period is displayed at the bottom of the App pane.
When you no longer have any free saves available, you will see a message similar to the following when trying to save an email.
To unlock the full power of MacroView Mail, visit our website to purchase a Corporate license.
For information on MacroView Mail license options and the additional functionality a license provides see Subscription Information
Corporate license
If you have a MacroView Mail Corporate license, you will see the expiry date for the license and a link to the MacroView Licensing Website
Activating your new Corporate license
If you have purchased a Corporate subscription license key, you can enter this on the License Information page to activate the license.
If you are an existing MacroView customer, MacroView Services will have activated your Corporate license automatically when it was purchased or renewed.