When selecting a site node in the MacroView DMF or Message tree view the following error message is displayed above the file list pane.
Microsoft Office Security updates rolled out by an automatic Windows Update on October 12, 2017 and November 7, 2017 disabled the display of roaming folder home pages in Outlook unless they are specifically enabled via the registry.
This error occurs when MacroView DMF or Message attempt to display the site home page when a site node is selected and roaming folder home pages are not enable in Outlook.
The message can be removed by either disabling the Site home page navigation setting under DMF / Message options.
Or, if you want to be able to view site home pages in DMF or Message, you can enable Roaming Folder Home pages in Outlook. See the following article for more information.
Viewing site home pages in DMF and Message
When site home page navigation is enabled and Roaming Folder Home pages are disabled in Outlook, you may see no files in the file list in versions of MacroView DMF or Message prior to 8.4.1317