If you use multiple devices or MacroView Products that have different local favorites, and have already enabled sync favorites on one of them, you will need to perform a merge or reset when enabling sync favorites on subsequent devices.
Merge your local favorites with the sync favorites to keep both copies of favorites. Any additional favorites will be added and combined to the existing sync favorites.
Merging may cause any previously deleted favorites on one machine to reappear or be duplicated if they were saved on another device or product and merged.
Discard the local favorites on this device and reset to the sync favorites.
ℹ️ Merging and resetting your favorites cannot be undone. If you want to keep both sets of favorites and still enable back up to OneDrive, cancel this prompt and choose a new empty Remote location for synced favorites first.
See Sync and backup favorites for more information about Remote location and Sync Favorites options.