If you have incoming email filing rules configured in MacroView DMF or Message, or MacroView Predictive Email Filing (PEF) is used in Fully Automatic mode, incoming emails that are saved automatically to SharePoint are tagged with a "Saved to SharePoint" category in Outlook.
However, if the current user does not have permissions to the save location or saving the email requires the user to enter information in the properties dialog, the email will not be saved and will be tagged with the "No Auto Filed" category in Outlook.
This is by design to avoid the properties dialog popping up and interrupting the user when emails arrive in the background and because Outlook will not allow DMF or Message to process any other incoming emails while the profiling dialog is displayed.
If you are using MacroView DMF or MacroView Message 8.6 or later you can un-check the Prompt for non-mandatory properties when saving emails option so that your email filing rules can save emails unless mandatory metadata is required. See Only prompt for mandatory metadata when saving documents and emails and Controlling when the properties dialog is displayed as files are saved for more information.
Emails that are "Not Auto Filed" need to be saved manually by drag an dropping them to the correct location, or if you are using MacroView Predictive Email Filing (PEF) you can simply drag an drop the email to the Drag files here zone above the Tree View in Outlook.
If an email is marked as "Not Auto Filed" the rule can be run retrospectively once the cause of the failure has been resolved (i.e. the user is granted permission to save to the location) by selecting the email and clicking Run Filing Rules on the MacroView ribbon.