MacroView DMS automatically applies a Saved to SharePoint or Save to SharePoint by Managed Filing category to emails that are saved due to email filing rules so that you can easily identify which emails have been saved and which have not.
There are two separate sets of categories.
The first set applies to emails saved using DMS functionality such as "drag and drop", personal filing rule etc. or due to MacroView Predictive Email Filing (PEF).
The second set apply to emails that are saved by MacroView Managed Filing (MF).
If an email is saved manually by a personal filing rule or by MacroView Predictive Email Filing (PEF), in addition to being saved by MacroView Managed Filing, the email may have two categories applied.
Emails that cannot be automatically saved by filing rules
Automatic saving of email, by email filing rules, is only supported in environments where there is no prompting for metadata as emails are saved and where the Don't overwrite existing message option is enabled in MacroView DMS. This is to avoid disrupting the user with dialogues while they are in the middle of doing something else.
MacroView DMS will set the Not Auto Filed and/or Not Auto Filed by Managed Filing category on an email if it matches a filing rule and:
- The user does not have permission to save to the save location
- The profiling dialog needs to be displayed to capture custom metadata
- Don't overwrite existing messages is not enabled
- The location in SharePoint is recently created and has not yet been picked up by a search index
- The location has more than one email content type requiring that the properties dialog is displayed to select the correct one
If any of the above conditions are true, the email can be saved manually by "drag and dropping" it to SharePoint or the rule can be reapplied later once the condition preventing it being saved has been rectified. To apply the rule later, simply select the email(s) in either the Inbox or Sent Items folder and click Run Filing Rules from the MacroView ribbon in Outlook.
Note: MacroView DMF and Message 8.6 and later support saving emails without profiling when there is no mandatory metadata. If this option is configured emails matching Personal, Managed Filing or PEF rules will be saved.
What rules are in affect?
You can see what Personal and Managed are in effect by opening the Email Filing Rules dialog under Options.
The Managed tab shows all configured Managed Filing rules, the scope and whether or not they are currently enabled. If the Enable Managed Filing rules check box in not checked, no managed rules will be triggered regardless of their individual setting.
The Received and Sent tabs show the current users personal email filing rules.
Where has a tagged email been saved?
If you are using Managed Filing you can select a single email and click Show Tag to check the email for a filing tag and display the save location the tag(s) is associated with.
This is also a great way to check which tag the filing rules will detect first when an email has multiple tags in its subject.
The dialog shows the identified tags and the locations associated with that tags and if the tag is in your Recent Tags list it will also show the additional information about that location.
Click Open Location to open and select the location associated with the tag in the DMS Tree View or click Show Location to have the tree view highlight the location in the tree by flashing the location.