The MacroView Managed Filing Rule Builder makes creating and editing Managed Filing rules quick and easy.
Corporate Email Filing (CEF) is now Managed Filing! Learn more.
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The tool has four main regions:
Load / Save region
The Load / Save region has four controls:
- New => Starts a new blank rule collection.
- Load => Loads an existing Managed Filing rules XML file.
- Save => Saves the current Rules collection to a Managed Filing rules XML file.
- Live XML Toggle => Shows (or hides) the Live Xml View region.
Rules List region
Directly below the Load / Save region is the Rules List region. This area shows the current opened Rules in the collection. Each Rule has a “Move Up” and “Move Down” button to re-order the Rule priority. When MacroView Managed Filing applies the Managed Filing rules, their priority is read from top to bottom.
Selected Rule region:
When a Rule is selected (in the Rules List region) the Rule settings will display in the “Selected Rule Region”. The Rules settings are broken into two collapsible sections:
- Rules Settings => Contains the name and general settings for the rule
- Conditions => Contains the expressions used to match a rule (discussed later).
At the top left corner of the Selected Rule region, there are two buttons:
- The green plus will create a new blank Rule and add it to the collection (to the bottom of the list).
- The red X will delete the currently selected Rule (after prompting for confirmation).
Live XML View
The last region displays a live version of the rule xml.
With the "Live XML View" option checked the XML will change automatically as changes are made to the rules. If performance issues are experienced when editing rules, the “Live Xml View” checkbox can be de-selected. Turning this off will prevent the rules collection from being serialized on every change, instead changes can be saved by using the Save button in the Load / Save region (the Live Xml View is not required for saving the rule).
Existing Managed Filing Rules XML can also be copy / pasted into the Live Xml view to load the Rules collection (without using the Open functionality in the Load / Save region).
The XML can also be modified directly in the Live View. However, when doing so, the current rule selection will be deselected.
Creating a new Managed Filing rule
You can create a new rule by clicking the green plus button in the top left corner of the Selected Rules region and the new rule will be added to the Rule List region. You can also create a new rule by right-clicking an existing rule and selecting Duplicate.
Selecting a rule in the Rule List region will display the rule definition in the Selected Rules region.
In the Rule Settings section enter a name for the rule and set whether or not the rule is enabled/disabled and which emails it apples to (e.g. incoming, or both).
Next enter the Save Path for the rule. This is the location the email will be saved to if the rule conditions are met.
Adding rule conditions
There are two types of conditions that can be added to each rule:
- Standard - You can add multiple 'standard' conditions, which are similar to the conditions when defining a personal filing rule in DMS
- Tag rule - You can add a SINGLE 'tag rule' or ''property matched tag rule' condition. A tag rule allows you to substitute components of the save path URL with variables extracted from a tag in the subject of the email.
- Property Matched tag rule - The property matched tag rule allows you to match a unique value to a property of the save location.
Standard Conditions
To add a 'standard' condition, click the +Add condition button and to remove a standard condition click the red X to the right of the condition.
For each condition you can specify the Keywords to match, if the match is Case Sensitive, whether or not to Match Entire Words, which Property of the email to check and the Match Type (whether to match on All, Any or None of the keywords).
Standard conditions can also be reordered using the up/down arrows.
Tag Rule Conditions
To add a 'Tag rule' condition, click the +Add tag rule condition button and to remove the tag rule condition click the red X next to the Filing Tag Rule heading.
There are four steps to defining the filing tag condition:
- Define the RegEx Groups
- Define the Tag format
- Define the SavePath
- Test the condition against a sample tag and save path
Defining RegEx Groups
The default Filing Tag Rule contains a single RegEx Group named 'GroupName' which represents any 4 digits (e.g. [\d]{4}). The group name can be changed by double-clicking the group name in the right hand pane and editing the text.
The definition of each RegEx Group is defined in the Regular Expression field in the right hand pane. See this online tool for more information on how to define and test your regular expressions.
If you require two variable components in your tag and save path, such as ClientNumber and MatterNumber, an additional RegEx Group can be added by clicking the +Add RegEx Group button (Note: A maximum of two RegEx groups can be added).
To remove a RegEx Group click the red X beside the group.
Each RegEx Group will be represented with a place holder in the SavePath for the condition and in the Save Path in the Rule Setting region.
If you have added any Regular Expression text directly to the Save Path in the Rule Setting region this will automatically be displayed as an additional RegEx Group in the Tag rule condition.
Defining the Tag format
Define the tag format by adding, removing and editing the fixed text before after and between any RegEx groups in the Tag field.
Defining the SavePath
Define the save path by adding, removing and editing the fixed text before after and between any RegEx group placeholders in the SavePath field.
Enabling tags to be inserted into emails
If the Filing Tag rule contains one or more Regex Groups and you want users to be able to insert the matching tag into emails by simply selecting a matching save location check the Allow Inserting Tag option.
You may want to leave this option unchecked if the rule is for emails where the tag is inserted by some other business system or process.
Defining the tag format directly
If you are confident creating or editing the tag Regular Expression directly you can click the padlock to unlock the Keywords field to define the filing tag format.
Testing the Filing Tag Rule
The testing area of the Tag rule condition can be used to test an example (or potential) URL and tag with the current rule expressions.
If the entered URL matches the expression settings, a green tag will appear (the resulting tag Managed Filing will use when filing to that location).
Likewise, if an example email subject matches (100%) a green tag will appear (as well as the resulting save location).
Note: If the SavePath contains any additional regex expression (as in the example above) and the rule matches, a tentative match is displayed (in orange), indicating there is a match but the save location will be dependent on search results during the run filing rules process.
Property Matched Tag Rule Conditions
To add a 'Property Matched Tag Rule' condition, click the +Add property matched tag rule condition button and to remove the tag rule condition click the red X next to the Filing Tag Rule heading.
There are six steps to defining the property matched filing tag condition:
- Define the RegEx Groups
- Define the Tag format
- Define the Save Path (under rule settings)
- Define the Object Type
- Define the Internal Name
- Define the Value
Defining RegEx Groups
The default Filing Tag Rule contains a single RegEx Group named 'GroupName' which represents any 4 digits (e.g. [\d]{4}). The group name can be changed by double-clicking the group name in the right-hand pane and editing the text.
The definition of each RegEx Group is defined in the Regular Expression field in the right-hand pane. See this online tool for more information on how to define and test your regular expressions.
Typically, you will only need a single RegEx Group for a property matched rule which is the unique identifier you will match to the property of your save path. Property matched rules do not support other regular expressions in the save path.
Defining the Tag format
Define the tag format by adding, removing and editing the fixed text before after and between any RegEx groups in the Tag field.
Defining the SavePath
In the Rule Settings area define the save path by adding a * in the save path. The Position of * defines where save path properties should apply.
Defining the Object Type
Can be a Folder or Library (choose Folder if the location is a document set).
Defining the Internal Name
The internal name of the property the unique ID will be matched against. Needs to map to a searchable SharePoint property. Typically, this will be Title, but you could also define a searchable document set property such as:
Defining the Value
Value specifies the expected value of the Internal Name property. Typically, this will be the named RegEx Group.
Testing isn't currently supported with property matched tag rules.