The subject of emails saved to MacroView libraries do not include the MacroView Managed Filing tracking tag.
In libraries where the standard MacroView email metadata columns are present, MacroView DMS and MacroView DMS Pro record the emails conversation topic in the internal column named mvConverstationTopic and the Subject column is a calculated column equal to the value of mvConversationTopic. This ensures that the subject metadata in SharePoint does not include FW: or RE: prefixes so that emails in the same conversation will sort together.
When MacroView Managed Filing identifies a tracking tag in an email being saved, the tag is also removed from the conversation topic before recording the emails metadata so that the email subject:
- is not cluttered with the tag, which will typically be the same for all emails in a given location
- does not show the wrong tag if the subject changed be saving the email
The tag remains in the actual subject of the email and is present when the email is re-opened. It is also recorded in the mvTrackingTag column (if present) so this column can be added to the view if required.