This issue commonly occurs in the following scenarios:
Applications are moved between monitors that use different display resolutions.
The monitor that applications are displayed on changes between docked and undocked configurations.
Users mix connections during the same logon session. For example, users log on through a remote desktop connection (RDC), and later connect directly without first logging off.
It is more common with high-DPI devices such as a Surface Pro 3, Surface Pro 4, or Surface Book together with external monitors.
1. Log out and log back in to the system. This improves how applications and elements are displayed when the monitor configuration changes.
2. Adjust display settings Windows 10
Select Display > Change the size of text, apps, and other items, and then adjust the slider for each monitor.
3. Change application properties. In Explorer or on the Start menu, right-click the application name, select Properties, select the Compatibility tab, and then select the Disable display scaling on high DPI settings check box.
Note: In Windows 10 Version 1703 and later version of Windows, the text of the Disable display scaling on high DPI settings option is changed to Override high DPI scaling behaviour, scaling performed by: Application.
For additional information and workarounds please refer to the Microsoft Support article below: