If you structure your SharePoint document or email store such that there is a separate library or folder for each project, case, matter or other location type and each of these locations has a unique identifier such as a matter number or project number, MacroView Managed Filing can recognize that unique identifier in the email subject and automatically save it to the associated location.
This means an email can be saved to a location in SharePoint without having to construct the full save URL from the filing tag, as long as the correct save path can be determined from a unique identifier mapped to a SharePoint property.
The SharePoint property can be the Title of the library, folder or document set or a location with another searchable SharePoint property. See the examples below for more information.
Filing based on a folder or document sets title
When the title of library, folder or document sets starts with the unique identifier, you can use the Title property to save to that location. For example:
[MV-12345] maps to https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/clients/1000/12345/Email
[MV-99999] maps to https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/clients/2000/99999/Email
You can see that the tags map to locations under separate client numbers (i.e. 1000 and 2000) without using the client number in the filing tag. As long as the 5 digit code is unique across all client numbers, Managed Filing can identify the correct save location by specifying a <SavePath> and <SavePathProperty> in the rule as follows:
<Name>Filing based on a project number which is unique amongst clients without specifying client number</Name>
Filing based on other properties of a folder or document set
When the folder or document set location has a searchable property that contains the unique value, you can use this property to save the emails to that location. This is most common when the location is a document set which has a metadata column for the project number, case number or other property. For example:
[MV-9834634879] maps to a document set containing 9834634879 as its Matter Number metadata.
The unique identifier can be based on any searchable SharePoint property.
In the example above Managed Filing can find the correct location based on a Matter Number property (with an internal column name of mvMatterNumber in this example) even though it is not part of the save-path. The save location is instead found using a unique Matter Number property on the document set.
Managed Filing can identify the correct save location by specifying a <SavePath> and <SavePathProperty> in the rule as follows:
<Name>Filing based on a unique matter number, not part of save URL</Name>
Defining Managed Filing Rules using a unique identifier
When defining a rule to use a unique identifier the <SavePath> entry in the rule is defined differently to other rules and an additional <SavePathProperty> section is required.
In the above example the email tag will be the matter number in the format [M1234567890] and the save location will be the folder or document sets with 1234567890 stored in its Matter Number metadata property anywhere below the caseandmatter site.
The <SavePath> and <SavePathProperty> entries are defined as follows:
Instead of entering the keywords (e.g. <MatterNo>) into the <SavePath> property a Managed Filing rule based on a unique identifier uses a single wild card character (i.e. *). The position of * defines where save path properties should apply. It can be applied either at the end of the save path or with sub folder structure below it.
(...folder/* or …folder/*/subfolder)
Folder, Library or Site depending on the object type of the item which contains the searchable property. (Use Folder for document sets).
The internal name of the SharePoint property to search for the unique value. This must be Title if the object type is Library and is typically Title when your object type is a standard folder.
Specifies the expected value of the InternalName property.
- Save location must be uniquely defined. The rule assumes the save location is unique. If multiple locations are returned by SharePoint search, the first one will be selected.
- You can specify the number of expected levels using *n in the rules save path (where n is the number of expected levels) to avoid issues with Managed Filing filing to wrong location as users create folders/libraries with same unique ID at another level.
- Insert Tag is only supported when targeting "Title" property. If <InternalName> property is not set to "Title", insert tag is not supported. This is because other properties such as mvMatterNumber are not readily available from the selected locations when inserting tags.
Version Support
- MacroView DMF or MacroView Message 8.9.784 or later