You can opt-in to send telemetry and usage metrics data and crash reports to MacroView automatically. MacroView will use this information to improve our products and inform our development priorities. Organisations can control this setting for all users via group policy.
Applies to -
- MacroView DMS
- MacroView DMS Pro
How to enable/disable telemetry
By default, this setting will not be enabled when installing MacroView DMS or DMS Pro.
To enable
The setting is located in the Advanced tab of the Options menu.
The setting can also be controlled via group policy or the configuration file.
See MacroView DMS or DMS Pro policy files
Things MacroView will capture
- OS version and bitness analytics- Operating system, Windows bitness and Windows build number.
- Product release version analytic- Application bitness and Application version.
- Sharepoint and Office version analytics-Word version, Excel version, PowerPoint version and Outlook version.
- Setting states analytics- User options the user has set.